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Why you can’t rely on Sunbiz

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Why you can’t rely on Sunbiz

We get a lot of questions about Sunbiz and clients say, well, it’s on Sunbiz, which is where the Division of Corporations for Florida keeps corporate records. But those records indicate who the incorporators are, not who the shareholders of a corporation are. So it can be very tricky when clients or potential clients think that they have ownership in a company because their name is on Sunbiz, which is not true at all Sunbiz doesn’t give you any protection. And in fact, it’s easily manipulated. So you have to be very careful that you don’t rely on just what’s on Sunbiz.

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South Florida Business Attorney Brett Trembly addresses commonly asked business in his Video of the Month series. If you have any questions for us, or if you need immediate legal assistance, please contact us today.

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