Trembly Law

Incorporation is one of the most important and beneficial steps your company can take. It entitles you to special tax treatment, as well as the desired limited liability whereby your personal assets are not subject to any suit. However, incorporation is a tricky procedure. It requires strict compliance with state statutes. In Florida, for example,...

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As owner, director, or officer in a company, you undertake many transactions to further your business. In doing so, you often enter into contracts with outside parties. These parties may be from anywhere—whether they be international, national, or local. When contracting with a company, whether it be the first time or for the hundredth time,...

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Hiring an agent has exponential benefits, including efficiency and expertise. However, with hiring an agent comes added liability. Courts often treat agents as an extension of the principal company that hired them and therefore impose liability on the principal as though it were the party acting itself. In these scenarios, however, third parties may be...

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One of the greatest tools a company can utilize is hiring agents. Agents often specialize in carrying out certain tasks that may be foreign to the company. Agents allow the company that hires them to have more free time to concentrate on tasks within their knowledge, and allows them to concentrate on what they believe...

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Settlements are agreements made before a lawsuit is decided in court. Settlements involve the plaintiff giving up their right to pursue legal action in exchange for some sort of compensation from the defendant—usually less than what the plaintiff was asking for when they filed the lawsuit. A settlement is a legal compromise that is made...

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