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Trademarks and Intellectual Property

Protect your trademarks & intellectual property with our help.


Our Unique Trademark Law Advantages:

  1. Experience. Experience is at the core of our reputation as a leading law firm for trademarks and trademark law. Our team of attorneys have extensive experience within this field. Throughout their careers, they have handled a diverse range of trademark law. Unlike the exorbitantly priced trademark firms, our firm, while maintaining a manageable size, delivers the same level of wisdom and insight to our clients.
  2. Wide-Range. We represent over 250 businesses as outsourced General Counsel in Miami, South Florida, and across the United States, handling their business and trademark matters.
  3. Communication. Unlike most firms, which wait until the end of the month to send you updates (we do those as well), we send you updates and documents after every filing.


No matter what kind of brand you’ve put together, it surely represents a great deal of hard work that you’ve had to put in over time. More than likely, it also represents an extremely large financial investment. If you were ever to find that another organization was using it without your permission, then you’d more than likely be crushed. There’s also the risk that someone might end up using your trademark in a way that tarnishes your brand.

Whether you are just starting out or need to bring a new product to the market, our skilled attorneys will be able to help you with the trademark registration process as we have extensive knowledge to go with legal services.


We analyze everything you will need to register your mark, and if it can be registered. During our initial meeting, we provide an in-depth analysis of available trademark protections which could include existing common law trademark protection or registration with appropriate state trademark offices or the United States Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”).

If trademark protection is not available, we provide recommendations and different methods to increase the protection of particular marks. In many cases, you’ll find that an original trademark will help separate your brand from the countless others that are currently on the market. That can help you differentiate your business and protect it over time.

Trademark Licensing:

We assist our clients with obtaining licenses to use material from another’s trademark. Our legal team helps negotiate the terms relating to such a license. The team also facilitates and negotiates the use of our clients’ work to others.

Should our clients be looking to sell or purchase intellectual property assets, our attorneys will be there to aid them in the process. Those who already have some sort of preliminary terms from their counter party will be able to get some expert advice on the viability of the contract that they might be looking at.


Considering that your trademark is going to represent an entire organization or perhaps a cherished brand that it will be producing, you’ll want to find a legal outfit that offers the kind of services necessary to keep it tied to your group without question. That’s why we’ve worked to put together a team that knows how to offer the kind of services that you need to make your way in an often competitive marketplace.

Trademark Monitoring:

We proactively monitor our clients’ trademarks to ensure they are not susceptible to infringement. Sometimes legal proceedings are necessary. If such infringement occurs, our legal team will actively enforce or defend your rights. In many cases, the fact that a trademark has been properly registered and will be defended is more than enough to protect it against this kind of action.

Competitors often know better than to attempt to copy or otherwise compromise a trademark that has been filed for and registered by another organization. Should they ever elect to do this, however, our team will be there. Before prosecution is necessary, though, we’ll make sure to use our business law expertise to get you the justice you deserve.

Trademark Prosecution:

Should a Trademark be challenged, we provide prosecution and litigation to fight for your right to the Trademark. Whether you originally registered your trademark with the help of our seasoned legal team or are only just starting to see this kind of problem after a long quiet period, you can rest a little easier knowing that Trembly Law Firm will be there to ensure that you get a fair deal.

In some cases, it can be relatively easy to come to terms with another organization. Unfortunately, things don’t always work out that way. Should you find yourself dealing with serious alleged trademark infringement, we’ll get our team working on it so that you can put together your case.

Protect Your Trademark Application With Trembly Law:

When this kind of thing happens, you need to work with an organization like the Trembly Law Firm. We assist our clients with a broad scope of Trademark services including analysis, filing, licensing, monitoring, litigation, and prosecution.

Those who are dealing with potential trademark problems shouldn’t delay. Make sure to contact Trembly Law Firm online and we’ll put you in touch with our team so you can state your position. While this is more than likely a difficult time for you, we’ll make sure to offer you the best services possible so you can get through it with the minimum amount of damage to your intellectual property.