
Business | Franchise | Employment | Litigation

Client Terms and Conditions

Client Terms and Conditions

(Effective as of January 22, 2024)

Any reference herein to “this Agreement” or “the Agreement” means the Retainer Agreement entered into by and between the Client and the Firm. All of the below Terms and Conditions are expressly incorporated into and made part of the Agreement.


The Firm may periodically increase its hourly rates based upon various market factors. Effective January 22, 2024, the Firm’s Hourly Rates are as follows:

  • Increased Hourly Rates for Hourly (Non-General Counsel) Matters as of 1/22/2024: TLF’s hourly rates will increase as follows for all non-General Counsel hourly matters, regardless of when the Retainer Agreement was signed, effective on 1/22/2024. Client agrees and acknowledges that, as of 1/22/2024, Trembly Law Firm charges $705.00/hour for Founding Partner Brett Trembly, Esq., $650.00/hour for Managing Partner Christian E. Rodriguez, Esq., $595.00/hour for Partners, $570.00/hour for Senior Counsel or Senior Trial Attorneys, $540.00/hour for Senior-Level Attorneys, $500.00/hour for Mid-Level Attorneys, $425.00/hour for Junior-Level Attorneys, $325.00/hour for any Senior-Level Paralegals/Litigation Support/Legal Consultant/Law Clerks, and $270.00/hour for other Paralegals and Law Clerks. As the Firm adds attorneys to its team over time, the Firm may add new attorney positions/titles at hourly rates up to $700.00. Furthermore, as the Firm adds paralegals, secretaries and other support positions, the Firm may add new positions/titles for same at hourly rates up to $380.00. The Firm has the authority to select which attorneys and staff work on this matter and may retain outside co-counsel (including staff) that charges within the range of $175.00 to $700.00 per hour. Please note that this is not intended to cap the hourly rates with regard to any periodic increases–any periodic increases will be implemented based upon various market factors, and will include increases to the hourly rate ranges for any new positions.
  • Increased Preferred Attorney Hourly Rate for General Counsel Matters as of 1/22/2024: TLF’s preferred attorney hourly rate for General Counsel matters will increase to $525.00 for all General Counsel hourly matters, regardless of when the Retainer Agreement was signed, effective on January 22, 2024. Additionally, as of January 22, 2024, support staff rates for General Counsel matters will increase to $325.00/hour for any Senior-Level Paralegals/Litigation Support/Legal Consultant/Law Clerks, and $270.00/hour for other Paralegals and Law Clerks.


Unless otherwise indicated by the Retainer Agreement, our Clients pay the Trembly Law Firm a non-refundable retainer fee—determined by the complexity of the case and amount of work required—to retain the Firm’s services, which is applied to our Clients’ accounts and charged against the hourly rate described in the retainer. Clients will be billed for time spent on their matter rounded to the nearest 6-minute increment of every hour, in other words, .1 hours for every six minutes spent on the Client’s behalf. For example: 30 minutes = .5 hours; 4 minutes = .1 hours; 10 minutes = .2 hours; etc.

Additionally, most Clients will be required to pay a cost deposit—determined by the amount of costs anticipated in the case—which will be held in a separate account (Trust account) than your retainer fee and applied toward any necessary costs incurred on your behalf. Such costs include, but are not limited to, court filing fees, issuance of summonses, service of process, court reporter fees for attendance at depositions and hearings, transcriptions of depositions and hearings, courier services, travel expenses, if necessary, subpoena costs, witness fees, mediator fees, accounting fees, appraisal fees and other expert fees, etc.


Firm will issue the Client invoices/statements on a monthly basis with all time performed on Client’s matter, fees due, and costs incurred. Failure to do so will not be deemed a breach of contract by the Firm. The invoices will list all services provided to the Client by the Firm during the time period reflected in the invoice. If Client does not have a forward retainer deposit (for General Counsel Clients) or advanced money in Trust (for litigation and hourly Clients), Client agrees to promptly pay for all services performed on Client’s behalf, as reflected in the invoices. Payment is due upon sending of invoice, and will be considered late if not paid within 15 days after being sent the invoice. Any late payments may be charged a one-time $25.00 administrative fee, and may collect interest at the highest rate allowable under Florida law. Failure to send any written objections to any of the billing entries within 10 days of being sent an invoice will be deemed Client’s full acceptance of the time and amount billed on said invoice, as well as a complete and irrevocable waiver of any objections to any of the billing entries on the invoice.


Litigation and hourly-paying Clients will be required to maintain in their Trust account a “Trust Credit” as a forward credit on all open matters in an amount identified on their retainer agreement. Upon issuing invoices to Clients, Firm shall withdraw the invoiced amounts directly from Client’s Trust balance, and Client shall have ten (10) days after being invoiced to replenish the Trust account back to the required Trust Credit amount. This amount shall not affect or alter any prior payments made or credits held by Firm. If Client objects to any amount in the invoice, Firm will move the objected-to amounts back into Client’s Trust account until the matter is resolved. Failure to send any written objections to any of the billing entries within 10 days of being sent an invoice will be deemed Client’s full acceptance of the time and amount billed on said invoice, as well as a complete and irrevocable waiver of any objections to any of the billing entries on the invoice.


The Firm will only have an attorney-client relationship with the Client, regardless if any third party (such as a guarantor) pays the fees and costs of the Client. The Client acknowledges, agrees and understands that any such third party will not be an intended beneficiary of the Firm’s representation of the Client, and is not considered to be a client of the Firm. Accordingly, the Client should not copy (or forward to) any such third parties, any communications between the Client and the Firm (including any invoices). While the Client has the right to waive attorney-client privilege, the Firm does not recommend any waiver by the Client. Additionally, Client understands and agrees that no such third party will be entitled to request or receive updates regarding the case or to learn the Firm’s strategy in representing the Client, nor will he or she have a right to object to any invoiced amounts, and that right exclusively belongs to the Client. Nothing within this Agreement should be construed or interpreted as creating an attorney-client relationship between the Firm and any third party, nor should it be construed or interpreted as intending any third party to be an intended third-party beneficiary.


We strive to make payment as easy on our clients as possible. Payment via check, ACH, bill pay, etc., is an option for all clients, as long as payments are timely received. Should clients pay via credit card, however, as most clients do – we may charge a 3% convenience fee to the client. Additionally, all merchant/payment processing fees for cost deposits will be passed along to the client.


Client understands and acknowledges that any documentation (and drafts of any documentation) created by the Firm is the exclusive property of the Firm, and the Firm issues the Client a limited and revocable license for use of the document for the sole purpose of the matter set forth above. Client may not use, distribute, disseminate or copy any of the Firm’s documentation or drafts without express authorization in writing and signed by the Firm’s managing attorney. Client acknowledges that once funds are transferred into the Firm’s Operating Account, those funds become the property of the Firm.


The Firm has a security interest and secured claim on all retainers and monies paid to the Firm by the Client (or a Guarantor for the Client). This security interest and secured claim is automatically perfected. Additionally, the Client and any Guarantor agree to execute and file any documents the Firm reasonably requests to perfect or continue the perfection of said security interest and secured claim.


  • In the event that Client files bankruptcy, Client acknowledges and agrees that the Firm has a secured and preferred claim for any retainers and monies paid to the Firm for the Firm’s services to the Client, as well as for any unpaid attorney’s fees and costs.
  • In the event of multiple clients, Client also acknowledges and agrees that any and all payments (including those made by a Guarantor) that are made for the Firm’s representation of the Client, represents a benefit received by each Client, regardless of who made the payment.
  • Client acknowledges, agrees, represents and warrants that:
    • all payments made to the Firm are made in the ordinary course of business and made according to ordinary business terms, and therefore, are not subject to any disgorgement, claw-back, or avoidance; and
    • that Client received the payment or obligation to pay, for value and in good faith, and in exchange for value the Firm gave Client.
  • In the event of an attempt by a bankruptcy trustee to disgorge, claw-back, avoid, or otherwise undo any transfer of monies received by the Firm from the Client (including instituting any adversary proceedings against the Firm), Client agrees to fully indemnify and defend the Firm, at Client’s own cost. Client will also cooperate in assisting in the defense of the Firm, at Client’s own cost.
  • To the extent allowable by law, the Client acknowledges and agrees that any fees and costs paid or owed to the Firm for services rendered by the Firm to Client, both pre-petition and post-petition, are not subject to any discharge via bankruptcy, and survive any bankruptcy discharge. The obligations in the Agreement also survive any bankruptcy discharge.


If the Firm is in a position where a client has failed to abide by the terms of their Retainer Agreement or other arrangement due to non-payment, the Firm will advise the Client that all non-essential work on their matter has been suspended (matters which could prejudice your case will still be handled as long as we are attorneys of record). (By the way, we encourage you to implement this policy in your business as well!).

At that point, staff members will cease performing all non-essential work on that file until the non-payment issue is resolved. Please stay current with payments so that we can remain focused on solving your legal matters without interruption.


In addition to timely payment of fees and costs, Client’s obligations will include the following:

  1. Ensuring that the Firm has current and working contact information for the Client;
  2. Timely cooperating with any request for documents by the Firm related to the representation;
  3. Reasonably and timely responding to communications from the Firm and requests for conferences by the Firm;
  4. Utilizing the call-back procedure implemented by the Firm;
  5. Coordinating meetings with the Firm’s attorneys and staff ahead of time to ensure availability; and
  6. Complying with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, as well as the policies set forth by the Firm.


Urgent Issues are those that require immediate attention, such as a client that retained the Firm when there is a deadline in less than seven (7) business days, and also includes “drop-everything-and-put-out-this-fire” issues. This includes any urgent or rush work caused by hiring the Firm in an urgent or emergency situation, any related emergency or urgent situation thereafter brought by the Client to the Firm, any delays in the Firm getting the necessary responses or information from the Client, and any other emergent or urgent situations brought or caused by the Client. Our urgent rate is in addition to the Firm’s hourly rates, and is $100.00 additional per hour for attorneys and $75.00 additional per hour for paralegals/law clerks/assistants.


  • While the following events may not occur in the litigation, in the event that any of the following events occur, the following minimum Trust Credits will be required:
  • In the event that the matter goes to mediation, and at least five (5) days prior to the Mediation date, the Client must ensure the Firm has a Trust Credit of at least $4,000.00, after deducting any work in progress not yet invoiced, to be used towards the Firm’s anticipated fees for preparation and attendance at the mediation. In such situation, the Client must also ensure the Firm has a cost deposit of at least $3,000.00 towards covering the mediator’s fees.
  • In the event of an upcoming deposition, the Client must ensure that the Firm has a Trust Credit of at least $4,500.00 per deponent, after deducting any work in progress not yet invoiced, at least seven (7) days in advance of same, to be used towards the Firm’s anticipated fees for preparation and attendance at the deposition. This includes the defense of the deposition of any employee or corporate representative of the Client.
  • In the event of an upcoming special set hearing (including summary judgment), evidentiary hearing, emergency hearing or final hearing (such as in the case of arbitration), the Client must ensure that the Firm has a Trust Credit of at least $7,500.00 per day of the hearing (or more depending on the type of hearing), after deducting any work in progress not yet invoiced, at least fifteen (15) days in advance of same, to be used towards the Firm’s anticipated fees for preparation and attendance at the hearing.
  • In the event that the matter goes to trial, then at least ninety (90) days prior to the calendar call, the Client must ensure the Firm has a Trust Credit deposit of at least $55,000.00 for jury trial or $35,000.00 for nonjury trial, after deducting any work in progress not yet invoiced, to be used towards the Firm’s anticipated fees for preparation and attendance at trial. In such situation, the Client must also ensure the Firm has a cost deposit of at least $5,000.00 for jury trial or $2,500.00 for nonjury trial towards covering trial costs.
  • In the event that Client wants to initiate a counterclaim, the Client must pay the Firm an additional $6,500.00 Trust Credit for preparation of same and ensure that the Firm has a minimum of $500.00 cost deposit for same. The Firm may require the signing of an addendum or other written confirmation of the extended scope.
  • In the event that Client wants to initiate a third-party complaint, the Client must pay the Firm an additional $6,500.00 Trust Credit for preparation of same and ensure that the Firm has a minimum of $1,000.00 cost deposit for same. The Firm may require the signing of an addendum or other written confirmation of the extended scope.

The Firm makes no guarantees as to the amount of fees and costs that may be expended in any aspect litigation, and Client acknowledges that litigation is volatile and unpredictable by nature. Any estimates provided by the Firm are merely good faith estimates and does not cap the amount of fees that can be charged by the Firm.


    • Collection: In the event it becomes necessary to enforce this Agreement for unpaid costs and/or fees, Client shall be charged for the Firm’s reasonable attorney fees for any and all costs associated therewith. Client hereby waives protection from garnishment as set forth in Florida Statute § 222.11. In the event of non-payment or a dispute regarding fees and costs owed to the Firm, Client acknowledges and agrees that the Firm will be entitled to the following, to the extent allowable by law:
      • a retaining lien on all file materials as well as Client funds or property in the Firm’s possession, and may be asserted whether or not a suit has been filed; and
      • a charging lien on any and all funds which may come into the possession of Client whether through a settlement, sale of real or personal property, inheritance, or any other method.
      • Litigation: In the event the parties hereto engage in litigation over the terms of this agreement and/or over unpaid fees and/or costs, the prevailing party shall be entitled to attorney fees at all stages of litigation, including collections and appeals. This agreement will be governed by Florida law (except as to choice of law). The parties agree to exclusive venue and jurisdiction in Miami-Dade County, Florida, and irrevocably waive all defenses to jurisdiction and venue (including forum non conveniens). The parties also waive the right to a trial by jury.
      • Governing Law and Jurisdiction: This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida, without regard to principles of conflicts of law. The Parties agree to exclusive venue and jurisdiction in Miami-Dade County, Florida. The parties also waive the right to a trial by jury.


The Agreement (including these terms and conditions) contains the entire understanding of the parties and may not be varied or modified unless in writing and signed by the parties to be affected by the modification. If any provision(s) of this Agreement is judicially declared invalid and/or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect. The obligations in the Agreement survive execution of the Agreement.


To the fullest extent permitted by law, the terms of the Agreement, including all benefits derived by any Party pursuant to the terms of the Agreement, shall be binding on all of the Parties and their (as applicable) officers, directors, subsidiaries, agents, employees, immediate family members, spouses, heirs, successors, assigns, administrators, conservators and executors.


At the conclusion of your matter, the Trembly Law Firm will charge a single administrative fee of $500.00 for closing your case. Clients will receive a detailed letter describing the conclusion of their matter and will be scheduled for an in-person Exit Interview to discuss the contents of the closing letter. At the Exit Interview, we will recap your case and discuss how the outcome of your matter affects you/your life/your business moving forward. You will also be asked to share your experience with the Firm and complete an evaluation, which will help enable us to make any improvements we need to make to obtain additional “A” clients like you.


      • In General. Client agrees to keep Firm notified of any material changes in client’s address, phone numbers, etc.
      • Office/Phone Appointments. In order to be as efficient as possible to save Client both time and money, Firm has procedures for scheduling calls with Firm attorneys. Clients may call or e-mail the legal secretary for the Department handling your matter (will be identified in our Welcome E-mail). This ensures all parties are available at the scheduled time instead of Client and Firm playing phone tag.
      • Emergencies. Client understands that Firm will attempt to return client’s phone the same day, but may at times require 24 hours, unless an emergency requires an immediate response. Firm defines emergency as a situation that, unless handled immediately, will prejudice the Client’s case.
      • Hourly Rates and Periodic Increases. As the Firm adds attorneys to its team over time, the Firm may add new attorney positions/titles at hourly rates up to $650.00. Furthermore, as the Firm adds paralegals, secretaries and other support positions, the Firm may add new positions/titles for same at hourly rates up to $350.00. The Firm has the authority to select which attorneys and staff work on this matter and may retain outside co-counsel and/or of-counsel (including staff) that charges within the range of $175.00 to $650.00 per hour. Please note that this is not intended to cap the hourly rates with regard to any periodic increases–any periodic increases will be implemented based upon various market factors, and will include increases to the hourly rate ranges for any new positions.
      • No Guarantees of Success Outcome: Client acknowledges that the Firm has not and cannot guarantee any outcome for any matters in which the Firm represents the Client. While no guarantee of outcome has been made, the Trembly Law Firm will diligently and aggressively represent Client’s interests and will endeavor to perform only those services required by the facts of the case and the law as determined by the Firm.
      • Settlement of Claims: Firm will not settle any of Client’s claims until Client has given approval to do so. Likewise, Client will not compromise any claims or settle any matters unless Client has first notified the Firm in writing and gained approval of the Firm.
      • Confidentiality. Generally speaking, with some exceptions enumerated in the Florida Rules of Professional Conduct, communications between attorneys and clients are confidential and privileged. Including third parties in otherwise confidential and privileged communications (including sharing such information or communications with third parties) may result in a waiver of the confidentiality and privilege. Accordingly, in order to preserve attorney-client confidentiality privilege, it is the Firm’s recommendation that all communications regarding your case and strategy should solely between the Firm and the listed Client. If the Client involves, or authorizes the Firm to speak with, any third parties regarding the case and strategy, even if the third party is paying for the representation, it could result in a partial or complete waiver of confidentiality and the attorney-client privilege. In such instance, the Client acknowledges that Client was advised of these potential risks and assumes the risks of such potential waiver and irrevocably waives any claims (past, current or future) relating to or regarding any such aforementioned risks against the Firm, its owners, officers, partners, employees or attorneys. By signing this Agreement, you acknowledge and confirm that you have read this paragraph in its entirety.
      • Strategy. The Client understands and agrees that, although the Client has the right to set the objectives of any representation (so long as legal and ethical), the Firm has the ultimate decision and exclusive right to determine and select the strategy and means to be employed to achieve the objectives in this representation. The Firm’s mental impressions, notes and strategies are the exclusive property of the Firm.
      • No Chargebacks. Client acknowledges that any fee dispute must be handled with Firm directly and therefore Client agrees to waive any right to chargeback for any payments made via credit card.
      • Conflict Check. Client acknowledges that this Agreement is conditioned on a conflict check, as required by the Florida law and Florida Bar Rules, to assure that the firm is not prevented from representing you in this matter. In the event there is a conflict preventing the Firm from representing Client, Client will be notified immediately that this Agreement is terminated and, with the exception of any consultation fees, all monies paid to the Firm will be refunded to Client within 72 hours.
      • Client represents that neither Client, nor the principals, officers, partners, and/or members of Client: (i) are identified on any U.S. Government or other government list of prohibited or restricted parties, including, the Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List maintained by the U.S. Department of the Treasury, or (ii) are owned or controlled by or acting on behalf of a party on any such list.

19. USE OF AI:

      • Use of AI: Consistent with opinions issued by the Florida, our Firm may utilize generative AI technologies, but only to the extent that we can reasonably guarantee compliance with our ethical obligations.


Regardless of the date the Agreement was signed, the Firm reserves the right to revise and update the Terms & Conditions at its discretion. Please check this webpage periodically to determine whether any changes have been implemented and apply to your representation agreement. Updating this website will be deemed constructive notice to the Clients of changes or updates to the Terms & Conditions.