
Monthly Archive: September 2016

Many business owners are under the impression that they donā€™t need general counsel services. They fail to understand the benefits, subscribe to certain misconceptions, or both. This could eventually cost the company a lot of money, stress, and frustration if it does face legal challenges later on. Here are four of the most commonā€”and harmfulā€”myths...

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Many business owners have converted their business form to a limited liability company or corporation. This is because partnerships retain traditional liability. As such, those attempting to collect funds from a partnership, including creditors and plaintiffs, can go after the partnersā€™ personal assets in order to satisfy outstanding debts or collections. Therefore, partners in a...

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Piercing the corporate veil is an extreme step courts will take only when a corporation is a sham. Courts undertake a delicate balancing act to not disturb the corporate structure while simultaneously impressing upon business owners the importance of abiding by corporate formalities. Piercing the corporate veil refers to the act of a court piercing...

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Foreign, or out-of-state, corporations face a different set of laws in Florida than in-state corporations. Because they often times do not conduct as much business in Florida as those businesses incorporated in Florida, special rules are set aside so that they are incentivized to transact in Florida. However, foreign corporations are not given a free...

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As discussed in other posts, self-dealing is an intricate area of corporate law that poses a lot of problems for directors and officers. As a refresher, self-dealing occurs when a director or officer engages in a transaction as an interested party with the corporation. This usually is accommodated by a lack of disclosure. In most...

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The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) was passed in 1990 to provide disabled people with access to routine activities, protections, and benefits which most Americans take for granted, such as: Equal access to employment, public transit, shopping opportunities, restaurants, and other businesses; Protection against discrimination on the basis of disability; Accessible workplaces. Commercial facilities are...

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