Having trademarks for your company is crucial for building brand awareness, goodwill, and customer loyalty. A trademark, to briefly describe, is a word, phrase, symbol, logo, or other device that identifies the source of a product or service. On your way to and from work, you probably drive past dozens of trademarks (McDonald’s Golden Arches,...
Monthly Archive: April 2021
Whenever many people hear the terms “workplace discrimination” or “workplace harassment,” they think of employees receiving poor treatment at their places of employment. While that general description is on the right track, poor treatment at work must be due to a specific characteristic of an employee for it to rise to the level or discrimination...
Everyone loves to play April Fool’s pranks this time of year, but it’s important that business owners realize that trademark registration is no joke! For various reasons, some business owners choose not to go through the process of formally registering their trademark with the United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO). This is true even...
Whether a worker be classified as either an employee or independent contractor (IC) is a very significant determination. In some ways, independent contractors face disadvantages relative to employees. For instance, independent contractors have to grapple with a disparate tax situation when compared with employees; they also may miss out on benefits, overtime, and other perks....
Plenty of workers (and employers) routinely confuse two common terms in the context of employment law: “right-to-work” and “at-will.” Many people assume that the two terms are, more or less, interchangeable; that they both refer to the freedoms of employers and employees. While there is some overlap between the two concepts, they are actually quite...
Romano Law, Innovative New York lawyers Businesses often have disputes arise from a number of situations. The dispute could be with an employee, business partner, customer or vendor, or another entity. When these disputes go beyond what a business can handle internally, litigation often becomes a course of action that a business owner must consider....
In the past, we’ve discussed certain topics relating to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), which is a highly important piece of federal law governing employment in the U.S. The FLSA sets forth certain requirements which must be met for certain workers, specifically “non-exempt” workers. Employers must adhere to the standards on minimum wage, recordkeeping,...
The success of a particular product or brand can rapidly have large implications throughout the entire commercial world. For instance, the success of one company’s brand may lead to a deal involving the use of that company’s brand by another company for the purposes of cross-promotional advertising or product selling. Whenever a company wishes to...