
Five Ways to Protect Sensitive Business Information

Posted on Mar 10, 2015 by Trembly Law

Businesses today gather a great deal of information over the course of their operations. Whether it is sensitive customer information, client lists, future business plans, or something else entirely, it absolutely must be a priority to keep that data safe. Data breaches of any kind can cause significant financial problems as well as hurt the reputation of your business in the eyes of consumers. With this in mind, take a moment to review the following five ways to protect sensitive business information.

Monitor Visitors

Many businesses have people coming in and out of their facilities throughout the day. While the vast majority of them are not a threat, it only takes one to put sensitive information at risk. With this in mind, your business should have a visitor policy in place so you know who is on site and what they can access.

Perform Exit Interviews

One of the biggest risks to company data is that people will unintentionally take it when they leave the company. They may not realize that they aren’t allowed to take certain documents, for example, since they had been working with them for years. To help minimize this risk, we recommend that you hold an exit interview whenever an employee is leaving the company. This will give you the opportunity to remind them that they are not permitted to take any sensitive information, in any format, with them when they leave.

Require Non-Disclosure Provisions

Whenever bringing on a new employee you should make sure they read and sign a non-disclosure agreement. This will ensure they are clear about the rules and will let them know that you take data protection seriously. It can also offer some protection in the event that they try to take or use sensitive business information.

Label Information Properly

It is your responsibility to ensure that all sensitive information in the company is clearly marked as sensitive or confidential. Using a simple label on folders, documents, or other items will satisfy the requirements for proper identification of confidential information.

Restrict Access to Confidential Information

To the extent that it is possible, make sure you physically limit access to the areas where confidential information is kept. This can be as simple as putting a lock on the storage room door so only approved people can enter. By limiting access, you are greatly reducing the opportunity for someone to steal sensitive data.

Protecting your confidential information doesn’t have to be difficult or costly. When done properly, it can help keep your business safe from data loss. If you need help with confidentiality agreements or other legal restrictions, please contact us at (305) 985-4582 today!

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