One of the greatest tools a company can utilize is hiring agents. Agents often specialize in carrying out certain tasks that may be foreign to the company. Agents allow the company that hires them to have more free time to concentrate on tasks within their knowledge, and allows them to concentrate on what they believe...
Settlements are agreements made before a lawsuit is decided in court. Settlements involve the plaintiff giving up their right to pursue legal action in exchange for some sort of compensation from the defendant—usually less than what the plaintiff was asking for when they filed the lawsuit. A settlement is a legal compromise that is made...
One of the many tools a company can use is hiring agents to act on its behalf. Because agents have a certain level of expertise, they may be able to carry out certain tasks more efficiently and with higher quality. It allows companies to be run more smoothly and allows a company to concentrate its...
A partnership is a very unique business form. That is because a partnership can exist even if there has been no formal acknowledgement that you are engaged in a business. A partnership, however, does have its pitfalls. Despite its lax requirements for existing, partnerships are also one of the few forms of business that do...
When running a partnership, there are many decisions to be made. More importantly, these decisions should be reduced to writing in a comprehensive partnership agreement. Whatever the partnership agreement lacks will be filled in by the default statute, which in Florida would be the Florida Revised Uniform Partnership Act. In many instances, the statute contradicts...
One of the most common tools a company uses in its smooth operation is the hiring of agents. Agents are great in that they can carry on tasks for the company, freeing up time for the company’s officers and directors to concentrate on the more important tasks. Although agents are known for their efficiency, there...
In any corporation, there is a classic balance that must be struck: the balance of powers and rights between the shareholders and board of directors. While the board of directors seeks to gain power so that it has the relative freedom to do as it pleases, the shareholders often retain rights to have their voice...
In a corporation, there are many issues that emerge, both predictable and not-so-predictable. Not-so-predictable issues are usually those that a corporation never wishes to have to confront. One issue that may emerge is if an elected director that harms the corporation. In such a situation, the corporation may wish to have him or her fired...