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What are Non-Competition Agreements?

Non-Compete Agreements are an essential tool to prevent an employee or contractor from leaving your company and taking your business with them. The “scope”, or broadness of your non-compete agreement is the main aspect that will determine its enforceability. Non-competes that are deemed “overbroad”, or overly restrictive, will not be enforceable in court. In Florida,

What are Non-Competition Agreements? Read More »


I’m suing a competitor and he has offered a settlement. What factors should I consider in accepting?

I’m suing a competitor and he has offered a settlement. What factors should I consider in accepting? At this point, if you’ve already sued someone and have received a settlement offer, then clearly you’re represented by legal counsel. So I would say talk to your attorney. But what you want to consider at this point

I’m suing a competitor and he has offered a settlement. What factors should I consider in accepting? Read More »


The perfect timing to get counsel is NOW

When people call us for help, it’s usually because they realize they need professional assistance. Sometimes after the call, those same people become worried about costs or decide they want to wait for another reason. We’ve helped many clients resolve legal disputes. The most important factor in improving your chances of a quick and beneficial solution is timing. In our experience, waiting is usually not recommended for the following reasons.

The perfect timing to get counsel is NOW Read More »


What are some of the most common legal mistakes that small business owners make?

What are some of the most common legal mistakes that small business owners make? I love this question. Because all of us, when we start a business, we all make mistakes, some bigger than others. But it’s part of the learning process of being an entrepreneur. And I really enjoy working with entrepreneurs, helping the

What are some of the most common legal mistakes that small business owners make? Read More »